Strategy – have you set your strategic direction, is it understood and actioned?

The online strategy health check helps you to assess whether your strategy and its execution is set up for success. The questionnaire has the following sections with five questions per section and the opportunity to provide more specific details if you wish:-

Section Aspect Completed
A MARKET: market awareness, trends, competition & customer needs  
B STRATEGY & PLANNING: clarity of company aims and link to business plans  
C STRATEGY IN ACTION: company aims driving priorities, with resources and skills  
D COMMUNICATION: common view of ambitions and degree of internal alignment  

Please complete the survey and see the results for yourself.

Strategic Alignment Questionnaire

A: MARKET: market awareness, trends, competition & customer needs

We have a deep understanding of our market and how it might develop in the next 2-4 years

We have a clear understanding of the major external trends and know how they may impact our organisation

We understand our current and future competitors, and know how we will outperform them

We have a good understanding of our customer needs and how they might develop in the future

We regularly solicit customer feedback to improve products and services

The biggest opportunities and threats facing our organisation are…..

B: STRATEGY & PLANNING: clarity of company aims and link to business plans

Our company aims and ambitions are clear and documented

Our company strategy has been produced using a robust approach

Our company strategy is regularly and formally reviewed and updated

Our company strategy provides the basis for the annual business plans & priorities

Our company strikes the right balance between short, medium and longer term planning

Our company’s strategy is particularly strong/weak in the following areas…..

C: STRATEGY IN ACTION: company aims driving priorities, with resources and skills

There is a strong link between our company strategy and our major investment decisions

There is a strong link between our annual business plan and the functional priorities and KPIs

We are confident that the organisation is focused on achieving the company aims & ambitions

Our business has the resources, skills and ability to successfully deliver the company strategy

We regularly review our progress against strategy & plans, and course correct where appropriate

The key factors that would help or prevent the successful execution of our company strategy are….

D: COMMUNICATION: common view of ambitions and degree of internal alignment

The senior management team have a common view of the company strategy and are all pulling in the same direction

The company strategy is communicated and understood by all essential people within the company

The company strategy is communicated and understood by all essential stakeholders outside the company

All business functions & departments are working in harmony to deliver the company strategy and business plan

The company aims and ambitions have a positive motivational impact with your people

When it comes to aligning the company strategy we are good at/bad at the following activities…..

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